Thursday, November 22, 2007

What Does Ski Patrolmean

2.Unterrichtseinheit training

Today was the second lesson, the first module of the media mentor training.
We have now employed more with the educational aspects of our work, because the program that we are working really wanted was not installed. should

After we had our own experiences with groups classified by, can, and whatever else belongs to the group to work, we machtren a few games, the group cohesion and trust of the individuals strengths.

Finally, we were divided into groups and had a special program to create a mind map, which is about the viewpoint of many people: first
Mentor from the perspective of the mentor
2.Mentor from View of teacher
third Mentor from the student view
the results we discussed then the whole group and we had the results before the entire group present.

Finally, we were still working with our leaders in the various possible tasks to thread groups, handling of groups, educational groups, etc. had to do.

The last thing we did was a game to play the "fairy tale or truth" was to set the date for the next SMEP-hour, and then we pass the time when we stopped for half an hour earlier.

By and large this was the 2.Stunde ... At the next meeting we want to with the images we have made, and employ the program GIMP.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Does Pokemon Online Work For Macs

SMEP What? First

SMEP is short for Schülermedienmentorenprogramm.In this training, there are four modules in which it is to work with different media and working as a mentor geht.Im 1.Modul it to work with media to the layout and design of print material to go. We will create a flyer and digital photographs bearbeiten.Zudem we learn how to behave as a mentor in a group and what are our tasks sind.Im 2.Modul we learn the basics of audio recording and editing, how to deal with these devices and how one example, a radio play aufnimmt.Im theoretical part is then taught us how to do a project plans, so the basics of project planning and Durchführung.Im 3.Modul we will learn the basics of video capture and editing. We are a small animated film and an interview erstellen.Außerdem us will be made in the group is part of the effects of media and we are concerned with the protection of minors and the fourth Urheberrecht.Im and final module will then go around the presentation of our projects, how to build such a presentation is best and how we are different to the project group begeistern.Im part, we then learn something about our future tasks as a media mentor how to be our position is ... After we have done all these modules we will be able to accept our certificates and can give us official media mentors.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Harlem Globtroter Pinball

SMEP-hour 26/10/2007

Today was the first lesson of the 1st Module of the student media mentor program.

presented first, before all with a previously selected image (Mrs. Wunderle images has spread across the table from which we could choose our one). Then once a few basic things and issues were clarified with the mentor program.

Now we saw a short PowerPoint presentation on the theme of the photographs shot and image processing, and finally eine zweite über die Farbliche gestaltung von Fotografien und den Goldenen-Schnitt.

Danach ging es ans Arbeiten: wir sollten 3 Aufgaben bearbeiten mit dem Programm Print (dass allen bekannt war).
1.Erstelle ein Bild ahnlich denen Hundertwassers
2.Bearbeite da Bild M-Maybe von lichtenstein: verändere die Haarfarbe, die Augen/ den Mund, die Kleidung und die Aussage der Frau.
3.Zeichne einKinderbild Scanne es ein und bearbeite es: Farbliche gest altung, Ebenen...

At the end there was a final session in which anyone could say what pleased him / her or dislike, whether you've learned something new or it was all just repetition ...

For homework, we should create a learning blog where ye precisely located and home to take pictures.

That was the first hour, I learned nothing new, but it was still nice to see that there are other girls interested in technology or media.

How To Do Shaker Style Kitchen Cabinets

What we are taught in 4 modules?

As I said there are 4 different modules, each divided into 2 areas are in the media-oriented and group-oriented area. After each module, a task made us is that we are to solve alone or in groups of 2-3 people.

In 1.Modul it will go on working with media to the layout and design of print material such as flyers you create and edit photographs.
group based in one part will show us how to solve a group anleitetund conflicts.

In 2.Modul one will introduce us in the media sector in the basics of audio recording and editing so how to operate the equipment and, for example: a radio play picks up.
In Part 2 of this module is being taught to us as a project ma Situated on the legs so the basics of project planning and implementation.

In 3.Modul we will learn in working with the media specialist is required to use video footage as I go with the camera around as I'm making a Trichfilm or an interview ...
When working with the group it will go in this module mainly to the effects of media and to the protection of minors and copyright.

In 4.Modul it will go around the presentation of our projects as we inspire others there for the project and how such a presentation based on the best.
The group is part of it will go here to see the future as a mentor, as his position is our ...

At the end of this school year, we get then-hopefully-our certificates, we will have official mentors.

Black And White American Flag

media mentor ...? What is it anyway?

There are already Mentor training in sports, art and music. Mentors may in their field, (perform or even the projects) in my case in the media, instruct a group and guide for implementation of projects.

are in the media mentor training, there are 4 modules:
in the 4 different modules it is currently at the UN working with the media to work with a group.
The first module It is working with media to print on the rough to the creation of a flyer, so the layout and design of print material. And
in working with a group taught us how to guides a group and resolves conflicts.
After this module, we were not given the first task that we face in a certain period of time, we must work together here in groups of 2 or 3 people.

What we have done in the first hour and have what we might get for homework in the next post ...