Friday, November 2, 2007

Harlem Globtroter Pinball

SMEP-hour 26/10/2007

Today was the first lesson of the 1st Module of the student media mentor program.

presented first, before all with a previously selected image (Mrs. Wunderle images has spread across the table from which we could choose our one). Then once a few basic things and issues were clarified with the mentor program.

Now we saw a short PowerPoint presentation on the theme of the photographs shot and image processing, and finally eine zweite über die Farbliche gestaltung von Fotografien und den Goldenen-Schnitt.

Danach ging es ans Arbeiten: wir sollten 3 Aufgaben bearbeiten mit dem Programm Print (dass allen bekannt war).
1.Erstelle ein Bild ahnlich denen Hundertwassers
2.Bearbeite da Bild M-Maybe von lichtenstein: verändere die Haarfarbe, die Augen/ den Mund, die Kleidung und die Aussage der Frau.
3.Zeichne einKinderbild Scanne es ein und bearbeite es: Farbliche gest altung, Ebenen...

At the end there was a final session in which anyone could say what pleased him / her or dislike, whether you've learned something new or it was all just repetition ...

For homework, we should create a learning blog where ye precisely located and home to take pictures.

That was the first hour, I learned nothing new, but it was still nice to see that there are other girls interested in technology or media.


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