Saturday, May 29, 2010

Cell Phone Converter To Landline



(Homo Sapiens Aquahumanus)

Verbreitung / Vorkommen:
Weltwilt alle Badeanstalten, Frei- und Hallenbäder, Erlebnisbäder, sowie Kur- und Mineralbäder, Strandbäder, sowie Kombinationsbäder.

geduldig, beherrscht, freundlich, authoritarian, anpsssungsfähig, persistent, understanding, changeable emotions, watching, flexible, sporty. Auserhalb of the baths in which these species of animals at home work, it avoids any contact with the swimmers to the natural urge the biological needs to reassure not be disturbed. As well as being able to obtain a separation between service and private pleasure effective. Otherwise, the character of the Homo Sapiens Aquahumanus maskulinus (male) and Homo sapiens Aquahumanus feminine (female) affected very differently. Most influenced by his surroundings and the service environment of his local pride. "Communicative"

Der Homo Sap. Aquahuman. besorgt sich deine Nahrung in allen Lebensmittelunternehmen und Grundnahrungsmittel herstellenden Einrichtungen, nur in Ausnahmefällen stellt er sie selbst her. Bevorzugt ernährt sich unsere Spezies nach sehr strengen regeln der Gesundheitsindustrie. D.h. Er nimmt während seines Arbeitstages raue Mengen an Koffein haltigen Getränken, Wasser und Exotischen Vitaminmischung zu sich. In vereinzelten Fällen werden die gennanten Nahrungskomponenten auch gerne mit Nikotin und Tabakhaltigen Produkten erweitert oder kombiniert. Ansonsten beinhaltet der Speiseplan Kohlenhydrate, Fat, protein, selenium, vitamins and mineral food. Fast Food is not excluded.

mating / breeding season:
breeding season is generally accessible. Not very seasonal. Homo Sapiens Aquahumanus generally looks for his partner, depending on the character of the needs in their own herd or in the near past the service area. Some are looking for partners outside of the beaches or on the Internet to petty jealousies and turf battles categorically conclude within the herd. As already mentioned, the occurs. in usually in a pack on, but there are also individual fighters among them.

Natural enemies:
swimmers, stubborn boss, Icy temperatures during training and Einwinterungsarbeiten, weekend services, capricious summer weather, bathers verwellneste, health enthusiasts.

active all year, are reinforced in the spring and summer months, things like holidays, weekends and summer holidays the species completely alien, as they always have to be functioning. Their actions are always the welfare of the bathers designed.

Such is the Aquahumanus Sportivus dar. This species of Aquahumanus deals with the organization and execution of the animation and aqua fitness programs for the extra paid public, and around the area of \u200b\u200bpublic relations. The training of future Aquahumanusgenerationen part of its sphere of influence.


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