Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pinky Makes Chick Squart


  • Stay healthy! " But sometimes it catches one just yet ...

    clock wakes up at five in the morning Manfred suddenly. He has a fever, his head hurts, he coughs, runny nose - he can hardly breathe: Manfred has a cold.

    Manfred stands with difficulty and goes to the bathroom. There, his medicine cabinet. Manfred is looking for a flu remedy, but he finds none. "Not even aspirin, denkt er und niest dreimal.

    Er geht in die Küche und kocht Wasser für einen Tee. Er kann kaum stehen, so sehr schmerzt sein Kopf. Seine Arme und Beine sind schwer. Manfred sieht auf die Uhr: halb sechs. Um sieben kann er in der Firma anrufen, dann ist jemand da. Denn arbeiten kann Manfred heute nicht. „So lange schlaf’ ich noch ein bisschen“, denkt Manfred. Ein paar Minuten später ist der Tee fertig. Manfred geht ins Schlafzimmer und nimmt die Teetasse mit.

    Um halb acht wacht Manfred wieder auf. Er ruft in der Firma an: „Ich bin krank, ich habe Grippe.“ „Dann bleiben Sie mal zu Hause und werden wieder gesund“, sagt sein Chef. „Gehen Sie am besten gleich zum Arzt!“

    Manfred calls to Dr. Meyer, that is his family doctor. The receptionist is Manfred an appointment over, "Come at nine! And do not forget your insurance card, "To

    eight fifty enters Manfred practice. The receptionist, a young woman named Erika greets him and asks: "Your health insurance is ...?" Manfred shows before the insurance card. His neck is doing now also hurt, he can hardly speak. It is painful to swallow. The receptionist handles the paperwork and finally says: "Ten € I get even"

    "Oh yes," Manfred mutters. "The consultation fee." The nurse nods. "A new quarter - I can not help. Now take your place in the waiting room! It will take a few minutes ... "

    Manfred goes into the waiting room. Only an old lady sits and reads a magazine. "Good morning," Manfred greets hoarse and sits on a chair. The lady is not responding. Manfred has to cough. "Put me just not on!" Said the lady, and looks at him sullenly. "Let me alone," Manfred thinks, but says nothing - he does not want to be rude ...

    Twenty minutes later he calls the receptionist: "Mr. Dorsten in room two, please! "Manfred gets up and goes into the treatment room.

    Dr. Manfred Meyer welcomes friendly and examined him. "Well," he says finally, "a severe flu infection. I will prescribe something about it. ! Please stay the rest of the week in bed, "Manfred nods." But then I need a certificate for my employer "" I write sick until Monday, "replies the doctor and fills out two forms. "Here is the certificate," he says and gives a note Manfred, "and here is the recipe." Doctor Manfred Meyer goes a second note. "Go straight to the pharmacy. And then off to bed! "

    The home is stressful. Manfred must take a detour, the nearest pharmacy is located fifteen minutes walk. Manfred goes in and gives his recipe. He gets pills for flu.

    Manfred is finally back at home in bed. He takes out the pills and read the package insert: "Two tablets three times a day," he grunts.

    The phone rings. His mother's turn. "Mother," says Manfred and sniffles, "please call me later at this!" (Manfred wants is sleep.) "Are you all not good?" She asks. hat "Shall I come?" Manfred. "Today Afternoon maybe, "he says finally. "I have some fruit with me!" Then he hangs up.

    two tablets he takes, he pulls the covers over his head and falls asleep ...

    questions and tasks to the text

    [The tasks correspond to the order of the text.]

    Are the following statements agree with the text? - Check!

    no 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


    Post a Comment

    Manfred Dorsten bewahrt seine Medikamente im Bad auf.

    2 Gegen Manfreds Erkältung hilft auch Aspirin nicht mehr.
    Er soll zum Arzt gehen, rät der Chef Manfred am Telefon.
    Manfred geht zum Arzt, und seine Erkältung wird immer schlimmer.
    Die Praxisgebühr is ten Euro per doctor visit.
    In the waiting room gets to know an old lady Manfred.
    Manfred wait twenty minutes in the waiting room.
    Manfred can not go to work until Monday.
    wait in the pharmacy must Manfred again fifteen minutes.
    Manfred comes home and immediately takes two tablets.
    In the commentary, see the solution