Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tetraconazole Treat Yeast Infection

Sitzungen NB1


a) S. 11 B2: hören und sprechen
b) Wer ist das? Woher kommt er/sie? (Fotos de personajes conocidos): Angela Merkel, Sofia Loren, Albert Einstein...
c) Arbeitsbuch S.84 Ü 8,9,10,11
d) C1 Ähnliche Gespräche spielen. Partnerarbeit.

*Guten .......... My name is ...... What is your name?
+ My name is .... and I come from ..... And where are you from?
* I am from ........
you write dialogue in the form
e) C2 country names with articles:

first the Bahamas (Pl)
second the Dominican Republic (sg)
third Ivory Coast (sg)
4th the Faroe Islands (Pl)
5th Iran
6th Iraq
7th Yemen
8th the Cape Verde Islands (Pl)
9th Comoros (Pl)
10th the Democratic Republic of Congo (sg)
11th the Republic of Congo (Sg) (but: the Congo)
12th Lebanon
13th the Maldives (Pl)
14th Mongolia (sg)
15th the Netherlands (Pl)
16th Niger
17th (The) Oman
18th the Philippines (Pl)
19th Solomon Islands (Pl)
20th , Switzerland (sg)
21st Senegal
22nd Seychelles (Pl)
23rd Slovakia (sg)
24th Sudan
25th Chad
26th Turkey (sg)
27th the USA (Pl)
28th Ukraine (sg)
29th the Vatican
30th the United Arab Emirates (Pl)
31st the United States (von Amerika) (Pl.) [=die USA !]
32. die Zentralafrikanische Republik (Sg.)

Da es dafür keine Regeln gibt, müsst ihr die lilafarbenen Länder auswendig lernen.


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