Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How To Get Flashlight On Poptropica

I oute! recognize

Ja, ich hab nen Knall!^^ Wer mich von Kindesbeinen an kennt, der weiß, dass ich Puppen und Stofftiere (auch heute noch) über Alles liebe! So sitzen bei uns auf der Couch nicht nur die Miezen, sondern auch diverses anderes Getier:

Als kleines Mädchen schon war ich in der Familie bekannt als "Puppenmama", denn ich pflegte meine Puppen wie richtige Babies. So hatte ich natürlich auch einen ganz besonderen Liebling, eine Babypuppe... Diese habe ich dann später sogar bei meinem Auszug aus dem Elternhaus mitgenommen.

Als ich mich dann von meinem damaligen Freund trennte and grabbed the stuff, I have probably forgotten the little girl there. In the heat of battle I have obviously not thought of it and also my research, where the doll is it still showed up to this day. :-( Cellar and storage - both here and at my parents, I have turned on its head - nothing

Also, if this doll will never be replaced by a new one to me all these years it was clear that I would eventually buy again a "little baby" and I'm always scouring the auctions on the Internet, according to at least resembling her creatures. Today I was finally lucky and have also added directly!

And it is:
Source: Pram country
I made my payment immediately via Paypal, because it's the quickest way! * Gg * I'm so very curious to see whether the doll looks really so beautiful as in the picture! Some point I would like to still fulfill the dream of a Real Life Reborn Baby , but this is currently my wallet is not easy her! ^ ^

now could pay for many of the ideas that I had a baby desire. * LOL * All I can only say that my love of dolls has absolutely nothing to do. I would also have countless number of animals, because of stuffed animals I come in the store by a very heavy! :-)

this doll I would like to simply retrieve only a small piece of my childhood ... And also: Looks very cute when a doll is sitting on the bed, right? ;-)

Once it's there, I will ^ ^


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